“Everyone can do something” to save America

Electing Donald Trump is essential (but not sufficient) to save America.

Unless Trump wins, America will fall into tyranny. Trump must win.

Elon Musk said:

If the Dems steal the 2024 election and install “Kommie-La” Harris, we’ll have another 4 years of open borders and another 10-20M illegal aliens. Springfield Ohio, and Aurora, Colorado, will become every city and town in America (other than rich liberal enclaves, of course).

If the Dems also steal control of Congress, they will amnesty 20-40M illegals and new Democrat voters, making all of America a one-party state. They will also pack the Supreme Court with leftwing ideologues who will eviscerate our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights. And that’s just in January of 2025.

The Dems will cheat like they have never cheated before. In addition to all of their 2020 vote fraud, they will vote millions of illegals. So we need to Beat The Cheat to save America.

  1. 70%+ think America is on the wrong track and don’t want 4 more years like the last 4.

  2. They have to lie. We just have to tell the truth.

  3. We have better ideas and principles for governing and organizing society that will produce economic, political, and cultural prosperity and happiness.

  4. We at least try to be on God’s side.

  5. We love America, Americans, and freedom. The Dem Party hates all three.

  6. Despite their best efforts, there is still a deep reservoir of Patriotism and love of country and freedom.

  7. Despite their best efforts, there is still a deep reservoir of Patriotism and love of country and freedom.

While the forces arrayed against us are very powerful, ruthless, and determined to do whatever it takes to seize and keep power, we have the following advantages:

Doing what we can, with what we got, where we are.

Everyone can do something.
— Tim Donnelly
Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.
— Theodore Roosevelt
It’s not enough for us to be right. We have to be smart.
— Brian Bilbray
Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.
— Saint Augustine
Always assume we are behind and work accordingly.

RTPP offers the following ways that everyone can do something to help save America, with what we got, where we are:

#1. Vote.

With the country on the line, there is no reason 95% of Republicans and other freedom-loving, America-loving Americans should not vote and vote Rep. That is totally in our control. Moderates/RINOs have to vote for MAGA conservative Reps, and vice-versa.

In particular, regular church-attending Christians, gun owners, and small business owners have low voting rates.

Vote Early.

While election day voting, in person, with photo ID, on paper ballots, hand-counted is the ideal, in the current system, we should vote early because: (1) the Dems sabotaged election day voting in AZ in 2022 and stole every statewide race, so they will probably use that tactic more broadly in 2024; (2) Things can happen that prevent us from getting to the polls on election day; (3) Our side will be ballot chasing. By voting early, our team can chase other ballots.

#2. Handwrite postcards for Donald Trump to voters in the key states.

--Join our Pizza, Postcards & Trump every Thursday. Contract Greg to RSVP. 909.327.8813, GregRTPP@protonmail.com

Order your own postcards.


#3. Write letters to low-propensity voting Christians.

See https://www.MyFaithVotes.org/writenow

#4. Text and call voters in the key states using the TP Action or Tea Party Patriots apps you can download to your phone. TP Action’s app allows for ballot chasing.

#6. Paid election work.

  • Chad Schnitger/Greystone Public Affairs is hiring canvassers in San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties. $24/hr. HR@graystonepublicaffairs.com

  • BREAKING on Oct. 7, Elon Musk’s America PAC is paying $30/hr. for voter registration and turnout in GA, PA, WI, MI, AZ, & NV with incentive bonuses, plus $47 for each new registered voter who signs Elon Musk’s online petition to protect the First and Second Amendments.  See https://TheAmericaPAC.org 

  • TP Action will pay your expenses to ballot chase in AZ or WI. https://www.tpaction.com/

#7. Support local candidates.

In the IE, the most important race is Congressman Ken Calvert. The House is closely divided. The Dems are targeting Ken with $10s of millions. Every seat could be the difference between Speaker Mike Johnson (as weak and feckless as he is) vs. Speaker Hakeem Jeffries, a dangerous, anti-American, anti-freedom, Marxist Dem.


We can also write postcards for Senator Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh.

There are also great city council and school board candidates in the IE. In Redlands, https://www.AwakenRedlands.com

There are many other great IE candidates, too many to list, but Calvert is our most important.

#8. Share the RTPP Voter Guide on paper and online


Donald Trump is doing his utmost. So should we.

Donald Trump is risking his fortune, his freedom (the Regime wants to send him to prison for the rest of his life), and his life (the Regime wants him dead, but with plausible deniability).

If we don’t #BeatTheCheat and elect Donald Trump, in Ronald Reagan’s words,

We will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
— Ronald Reagan

For questions or to add to the list, contact:

Greg Brittain

GregRTPP@protonmail.com or Cabinet@RedlandsTeaParty.net
